The Future Of Social Networking
Social Networks are in their phase 1, where all the people are on the same site but that's not how the future will be. Many friends I have in the alternative community for instance do not feel at home on Facebook or myspace... indeed the bland middle-classness of Facebook turns me off. Humans are tribal animals everywhere but the web, and I believe this is purely because the idea of social networking online is still in it's infancy. The drive for change will come from several directions: Cool kids will soon want something more exclusive than Facebook or myspace, or wherever the adults and other uncool people hang out. Possibly even a closed, invite only type space? Similarly, those from other communities will forge their own dedicated sites - religious groups, alternative living groups, basically all those who separate themselves in the real world. They don't want to throw sheep, or poke - they want to share verse, or crochet patterns, or tyre recommendations - you get th...