
Showing posts from September, 2010

Fastest Web App Dev Ever?!

Couldn't find a straightforward tool to simply capitalise text on google, so I knocked one up: actually very useful to me this morning, despite it's 5-minute dev simplicity - so perhaps it will be useful to someone else (IF Google spiders it.)

Facebook / Twitter dividing along gender lines?

This is completely anecdotal, but my female friends on the whole opt for Facebook and my male friends Twitter. This could be a coincidence, but the girls seem to like the more voyeuristic nature of Facebook, with it's photos and insight into other people's calendars. A lot of it reads like a female coffee-shop discussion, with lots of personal issues and details being aired and shared. However Twitter, although still suffering from the banal, is more condensed, takes less time and is less personal. These may seem like negatives - but to us Boys, it fits in nicely with our more emotionally closed natures and desire to get straight to the point without all the chaff. Are Social Networks evolving rough gender lines? (Ian informs me that Facebook still has a place for goggling at pictures of hot friends though, apparently.)

Who Knows The Most About You?

Got the below message from Twitter this morning. The devil is in the detail, and once again a big company has tried to bury their more controversial changes in the small print. Here's the big deal: When you click on these links from or a Twitter application, Twitter will log that click. We hope to use this data to provide better and more relevant content to you over time. The competition is on: who will know the most about you? Google? Facebook? Or now, Twitter? Hi @jamestinman, Over the coming weeks, we will be making two important updates that will impact how you interact with Twitter applications. We are sending this notice to all Twitter users to make sure you are aware of these changes. What are applications? There are over 250,000 applications built using the Twitter API. To use most applications, you first authorize the application to access your Twitter account, after which you can use it to read and post Tweets, discover new users and more. Applications come in...