5 Implications of The Move To The Cloud
My music now comes largely from Spotify, my games from Steam or OnLive, my movies from NetFlix - Cloud services are taking over... I cannot envisage a future other than where any entertainment form is available anywhere... games, music, video... in car, on my mobile (OnLive player for iOS anyone? Latest console games on my iPad?), on my profile, inside other games / virtual worlds / social media v2 lives 5 Implications of The Move To The Cloud: 1. Consoles: will eventually die out 2. Game shops: will go the way of Video shops (see Blockbuster now filing for bankruptcy... "Game" will follow in a few years) 3. Convergence: of Social Media with games/music/film. Web-plugins for OnLive - or whichever service supercedes it - make the next installation of Call Of Duty embedded into your Facebook page - with hooks into your friends & Social Media 4. Apple Pwn: Expect to see Apple finally crack the missing "serious games" component with a buy out of OnLive - or ...