
Showing posts from November, 2010

5 Implications of The Move To The Cloud

My music now comes largely from Spotify, my games from Steam or OnLive, my movies from NetFlix - Cloud services are taking over... I cannot envisage a future other than where any entertainment form is available anywhere... games, music, video... in car, on my mobile (OnLive player for iOS anyone? Latest console games on my iPad?), on my profile, inside other games / virtual worlds / social media v2 lives 5 Implications of The Move To The Cloud: 1. Consoles: will eventually die out 2. Game shops: will go the way of Video shops (see Blockbuster now filing for bankruptcy... "Game" will follow in a few years) 3. Convergence: of Social Media with games/music/film. Web-plugins for OnLive - or whichever service supercedes it - make the next installation of Call Of Duty embedded into your Facebook page - with hooks into your friends & Social Media 4. Apple Pwn: Expect to see Apple finally crack the missing "serious games" component with a buy out of OnLive - or ...

How Your Social Identity Will Be Used By Vending Machines

News from Japan of their smart vending machines gaining - if not quite self-awareness - awareness of others is interesting for a couple reasons. Firstly, being able to identify customers age / gender is COOL and CLEVER, with obvious applications for targetted advertising / shifting more soft-drinks... but it's clear where we're going here: IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE - More automated machines instead of humans - (BAD THING IMO for everything except for shareholder returns) - Even more of those devil-bitch-speaking-auto-tills (that supermarkets so love and customers hate) - The spread of til machine equivalents to everywhere else human-costs can be "saved" - Bank Tellers, Argos, etc LONGER TERM - Social Networking / online identity integration How this final point functions is yet to be determined, but the technology will have OAuth as a forebear. Not sure how these points will identify you yet (the successors of rfID tags/Oyster?), but once it has (and you've given ...

Really Fancy HTML4/JQuery stuff

Norwich web-developers Klik appear to have what looks like an HTML5 active logo! It's pretty swish actually - check it out It's this sort of thing that makes Flash seem unnecessary - particularly with it's iPad / iPhone friendliness.

When will we have 3D web cams?

We've got the displays to re-create the image, so when will be get dual stereoscopic 3D web-cams? Then we can have that "nearly really there" experience - and in full colour too, not like ol'green holographic Princess Leia...)