
Showing posts from July, 2014

Programming And Human Progress Are Becoming Intertwined (but we need more than AngularJS and it's Hipster friends)

Come on DEV world; let's have some proper innovation in programming. Hipster coding paradigms of the last couple years (Angular, Ruby, etc I'm looking at you) have exponents spouting "look, I've written no Javascript!". Yeah, well you've written a TON of Angular. In fact, I could have done it with less code in standard javascript & HTML. Incremental benefits in some areas (usually academic, along the lines of "better" practice coding structures) are too often negated by added complexity; legacy nightmares (out-of-fashion code is not pleasant 5 yrs later) & increased dev time when the real-world doesn't match the ideological utopian world envisaged by the creators. This is why we're all still programming C/Javascript/HTML/Perl using slightly better text editors. Occasionally genuinely useful new tech is added to the list (jQuery for example) - but where is the game-changing development system that allows for an order of magnitude i...