A New Software Licensing Model

Say for example I want to use an expensive product - like something from Adobe's CS4 - but I only need to use it a couple of times a year because I'm not a designer. My options are:

- Fork out the £2.5k required to buy the product
- Get a pirate copy from thepiratebay.org for nothing and infect my PC/Mac with some hideous virus AND have to deal with carting my guilt around in a wheelbarrow (ok, handbag then)
- Cry

Not a fabulous choice. I also have a 512k broadband connection - so a clever web-based cloud version of the software (which doesn't even exist yet) isn't going to cut it for me. So how about:
- Download full software as free trial which lasts 30 days
- After which time you enter your paypal/credit card details and pay for each 8 hour chunk of usage - say £10
- Once you've paid up to the full amount of the product, it's yours and your license goes full.

This as a licensing model would help cut piracy, work for casual users, still work for heavy users, would be fairly straightforward to implement and generally make everyone's life easier. Like Hire-purchase software. Like it Adobe?


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