The Future Of Social Networking

Facebook is close to jumping the shark. IMO it is where MySpace was it '05 and steaming towards it's own doom. Why? Two things...

1. The cool kids will shortly not be thinking that hanging out with their parents (or other dweebs) is what they want to do, and fickle, shallow scenesters want exclusivity - or at least to be PART OF an exclusive group
2. People naturally have (in these days at any rate) multiple, fractured groups of real-life friends - and have a persona with each of these groups that is inherently different. You have your parents on Facebook and suddenly you don't want to post pictures of your night out; or tell your work-colleagues what you get up to, etc. Whichever service comes up with a slick way of offering these multiple personalities will be next to take up the batton - (so long as they are also cool to fulfil 1. and drive the early adopters)


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