Open Letter to DVLA - Disappointment at Verified By Visa Adoption
OPEN LETTER TO DVLA ( if you wish to write yourself, it's: )
Not sure how to make a complaint, but suffice it to say this is one.
I was disappointed to see the previously consumer friendly tax disc system implement Verified by Visa. Why?
1. This system is anti-small business (such as mine) being thrust onto them as an extra payment hurdle that big players like Amazon do not have to implement. Government should not be supporting systems that actively hurt small UK engines of growth in favour of big global corporations IMO.
2. It is anti-consumer, not just because it makes smooth processes (like your own) more convoluted, but analysis of the protocol by academia has shown it to have many security issues that affect the consumer, including greater surface area for phishing and a shift of liability in the case of fraudulent payments (see ). Basically, Visa can more readily get of protecting consumers when verified by visa is fradulently used.
3. Their insistence on serving the system either via i) pop-ups from an external site not related to the merchant, bank or visa themselves(!) or ii) embedding their system in the third party site means that it is difficult for even technical consumers to differentiate between an authentic page and a phishing page.
Even when the system does work, it's flawed - see and the numerous other articles by academics and industry commentators - just Google it.
It is thoroughly disappointing that a UK government department has either been bullied into using this, or has (perhaps worse) made the conscious decision to implement a system that worsens trust, ruins the previously smooth & painless process, shifts liability for fraud from the card carriers to the consumers and openly supports mechanisms that benefit international corporate interests at the detriment of UK small business.