XBox 360 / Wii / PS3 figures show 360 way out ahead


XBox 360: 484,000 units

PS3: 312,000

Wii: 254,000

So, this was a surprise to me today when NPD released the figures... not because of the decline of the Wii (it's not a) looking any shorter in the tooth b) has had 26% less releases in 2010 c) everyone who would want one has pretty much got one d) it's losing it's main natural controller USP to Sony's Move and Microsoft's Natal tech).

No, the big shock was Microsoft out-pacing PS3, considering it's motion tech offers by most accounts an inferior experience. The controller-less tech is clever, but offers no easy way to actually walk about - with games forced to move "automatically" (making everything seem like TimeCrisis). I suppose they could capture walking-on-the-spot motion, which would have the added bonus of making players look like a minister from Monty Pythons MoSW. Nice. How are Sony failing to convey the message that their faintly silly looking illuminated balls are actually less silly than Natal?


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